James D. Lynch

James D. Lynch

James D. Lynch

Secretary of State: 1869-1872

Born: January 9, 1839 in Baltimore, MD
Died: December 18, 1872 in Jackson, MS

Methodist minister, newspaper editor. Because Lynch is already well-known and well-documented, I have spent less time on him than other men on this site.

For more information on Lynch’s career in the ministry, search for “Lynch” in the online edition of My Recollections of African M. E. Ministers by Alexander Walker Wayman.

Lynch’s wife, Lugenia Rice, and their son, James, both died in Chicago in 1925 and 1926, respectively.

“It is as much a crime for a colored man not to be proud of his dark or black skin, as it is for a white man to despise it.”
(James Lynch, Monthly Review, 1872)

“LYNCH, JAMES, a son of Rev. Benjamin Lynch, was born in Baltimore, Md. When a little boy he was a pupil of Bishop Payne’s, and afterwards went to a college in the East. In 1859 he was admitted into the Indiana Conference. In 1860 he was transferred to the Baltimore Conference, where he remained for a few years and then went to South Carolina as a missionary. He succeeded in organizing churches in several parts of the State, and went to Georgia and organized churches there. In 1865 he was appointed by the Bishop editor of the “Christian Recorder.” He resigned in 1866, and joined the M. E. Church, and went to Jackson, Miss. After filling many stations and districts, he was elected Secretary of the State. He was a very eloquent speaker, but died in the prime of life.”
(Alexander Walker Wayman, Cyclopaedia of African Methodism, 1882)

“By 1870, he was the most popular black man in the state and the best Republican stump speaker, black or white. Even Democrats respected this slender, fiery politician with the massive head and the direct, no-nonsense approach.”
(Lerone Bennett, Black Power U.S.A.: The Human Side of Reconstruction, 1867-18771967)

Signature of James Lynch
Signature of James Lynch from an 1871 commission certificate

Wikipedia entry on James D. Lynch
Memorial on Find A Grave
Southern Spaces: Grave of James D. Lynch

New Orleans Tribune, June 9, 1865
New Orleans Tribune, June 9, 1865
Colored Tennessean, August 12, 1865
Colored Tennessean, August 12, 1865
Weekly Democrat, September 21, 1867
The Elevator, May 8, 1868
The Elevator, May 8, 1868
Clarion-Ledger, May 12, 1868
Clarion-Ledger, May 12, 1868
Clarion-Ledger, June 12, 1868
Clarion-Ledger, June 12, 1868
Natchez Democrat, June 18, 1868
Natchez Democrat, June 18, 1868
Tri-Weekly Clarion, March 23, 1869
The Elevator, June 4, 1869
The Elevator, June 4, 1869
Natchez Bulletin, July 7, 1869
Natchez Bulletin, July 7, 1869
Vicksburg Herald, July 17, 1869
Vicksburg Herald, July 17, 1869
Tri-Weekly Clarion, July 29, 1869
Hinds County Gazette, Aug 4, 1869
Hinds County Gazette, August 4, 1869
Tri-Weekly Clarion, Sep 21, 1869
Tri-Weekly Clarion, September 21, 1869
Tri-Weekly Clarion, October 12, 1869
Tri-Weekly Clarion, October 12, 1869
Weekly Mississippi Pilot, Feb 19, 1870
Weekly Mississippi Pilot, Feb 19, 1870
Weekly Mississippi Pilot, April 30, 1870
Weekly Mississippi Pilot, May 21, 1870
Weekly Mississippi Pilot, May 21, 1870
Weekly Mississippi Pilot, 11 Jun 1870
Weekly Mississippi Pilot, June 11, 1870
Weekly Mississippi Pilot, June 25, 1870
Semi-Weekly Clarion, September 20, 1870
Clarion-Ledger, October 6, 1870
Weekly Panola Star, April 29, 1871
Weekly Panola Star, April 29, 1871
The Clarion, June 22, 1871
The Clarion, June 22, 1871
Semi-Weekly Clarion, Oct 20, 1871
Semi-Weekly Clarion, October 20, 1871
Vicksburg Daily Times, Apr 6, 1872
Vicksburg Daily Times, April 6, 1872
Times-Picayune, April 12, 1872
Vicksburg Herald, April 20, 1872
Vicksburg Herald, April 20, 1872
Weekly Louisianian, April 27, 1872
Weekly Louisianian, April 27, 1872
Hinds County Gazette, May 1, 1872
Hinds County Gazette, May 1, 1872
Vicksburg Herald, August 1, 1872
Vicksburg Herald, August 1, 1872
Weekly Louisianian, August 17, 1872
Weekly Louisianian, August 17, 1872
Clarion-Ledger, 26 Dec 1872
Clarion-Ledger, 26 Dec 1872
Clarion-Ledger, December 26, 1872
Clarion-Ledger, December 26, 1872
Weekly Louisianian, January 4, 1873
Weekly Louisianian, January 4, 1873
New National Era, February 13, 1873
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 7, 1874
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 7, 1874
Gravesite of James Lynch
Gravesite of James D. Lynch, 2021