Vicksburg Herald, April 18, 1885

Vicksburg Herald, April 18, 1885

To the Public or the Chamber of Commerce.

We the undersigned desire to call attention to the work of Ex-Senator Gleed, a most excellent and able colored man, well known in our State and fully endorsed by the governor and all the State officers, as also by the chief citizens of Columbus, where he resides.

He has given many years to the promotion of negro labor and improved methods of work by which whole neighborhoods have been reformed and restored from a condition of vagabondage, to industry, thrift and prosperity. His work is essential alike to the well-being of both races. We therefore recommend him to the Chamber of Commerce, and hope the members of that board will give him a hearing. He is a man of great practical wisdom and stalwart common sense.

T C Catchings, J G Cashman,
Wm H McCardle, James Lewis,
Frederick Speed, C K Marshall,
Jno W Powell, J F Baum,
Henry Yoste, Wesley Crayton,
Jas P Roach, R S Woodward,
W G Worrell, Ralph North,
David Rice, Milton Coates,
A Kuhn,
M Griffin, Pastor King Soloman Baptist church

I have known Ex-Senator Robert Gleed for years and believe he is engaged in a laudable and worthy cause and is entitled to the encouragement and good will of all who wish his race well.


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