The Republican Nominating Convention of Hinds County, met at half-past 4 o’clock, on Monday, October 10, and was called to order by the Hon. Charles Caldwell, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the county.
Mr. Tapley moved that the Hon. Charles Caldwell be declared the temporary Chairman of this Convention. Carried.
F. A. Wolfe was chosen temporary Secretary.
Tazwell Jones was appointed temporary Sergeant-at-Arms, and Robert Shackleford Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms.
A motion was made and carried to appoint a committee of seven on credentials.
The following gentlemen were appointed on said committee: Green Tapley, George Pearson, Albert Johnson, N. D. Sneed, W. A. Jones, Lewis McGee, and W. H. Harney.
The Committee reported as follows:
We, the Committee on Credentials, appointed by your honorable body, beg leave to report the following gentlemen as delegates to a seat in your body, to-wit:
Jackson – John McGill, G. H. Tapley, Daniel Crawford.
Brownsville – Albert Johnson, J. J. Gold.
Utica – William White, Lewis Pitman.
Byram – J. J. Johnson.
Raymond – Wm. Johnson, two votes; Geo. Pearson, two votes; S. P. Steel.
Cayuga – Edward Jones.
Edwards – W. H. Harney, Monroe Bell, W. H. Graham, E. L. Gilliam, W. T. Jones, proxy for A. L. Scott; W. H. Robinson, proxy for P. W. Baldwin.
Dry Grove – James A Shorter, Jr., F. A. Wolfe, Henry Mason.