Harrison H. Truhart (Holmes County)
State House: 1872-1875
Born: c. 1840 in Virginia
Blacksmith. Truhart is listed with wife Louisa and children in Lexington, Mississippi, on the census from 1870-1910.
Truhart’s daughter, Lucy Truhart Benjamin (pictured above), attended Tougaloo and was active in educational and religious work.
“In about 1840, Mrs. Baxter Wilson’s father, Dr. Sutton, a planter from Virginia, moved into Holmes County. He brought with him a twelve year old negro boy named Buck Truehart. This little boy proved to be a very faithful servant and in return his master had him educated. Because of his education, his personality, and his level head, Buck became a leader among the negroes. After the emancipation of slavery and during the time of the carpet bag rule, Buck never lost respect for Dr. Sutton and the rest of the white people; and at their request, he ran for state senator and was elected. He introduced the county farm bill which was passed; and if not for him the county seat would have been taken from Lexington. He fought the bill that provided for a consolidation of Attala and Holmes County with Durant the County seat. They soon found they would have to pass the bill during Buck’s absence, so a message was sent to him stating that his wife was very ill. The negro statesman seeing the trick, merely said ‘I am no doctor’, and finished his speech which defeated the bill.”
(reminiscence of Baxter Wilson in the WPA history of Holmes County; inaccurate about Truhart’s age and office, and possibly more)