New National Era, March 27, 1873

New National Era, March 27, 1873

of Holmes county. Mr. T. is a native of Virginia, but was brought here as a slave in 1848. He was altogether deprived of educational advantages, but has made good progress through efforts of his own. He was appointed an Alderman from one of the wards of his town by Gen. Ames in 1869, and was elected to the Legislature in 1871. Although deprived of educational advantages, he can, nevertheless, comprehend very quickly any measure brought before the Legislature. I have heard him discuss the merits of different bills with as much sagacity as members who have had every advantage. And he very seldom errs.

In appearance he is short and stout, with a head as large as some folks’ bodies. He is a genial friend; represents one of the largest and richest counties in the State, and for those to whom he professes a friendship his heart is like the first syllable of his name – true.

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