Robert Gleed Court Records: Circuit Court
Manns, Aull & Co. vs. Robert Gleed, H. H. Harrington, and A. A. Shattuck, October 1874
No. 1599
Manns, Aull & Co.
vs. } Garnishment
R. Gleed—Prest &c,
H. Harrington, &
A. A. Shattuck, Defts.
Randle Dean
J. T. Richardson Pltiffs Atty.
The State of Mississippi, Lowndes County.
WHEREAS, Manns, Aull & Co Plaintiffs in the Circuit Court of said County, on the 27 day of Oct 1874, recovered a judgment against Robt Gleed Prest &c — H H Harrington & A A Shattuck Defendants for the sum of $2,891.34 & damages allowed by Supreme Court to the amount of $144.56 dollars, with interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, until paid. Said judgment remains in full force, not reversed, satisfied or otherwise vacated except $2,417.11 as having been made on Execution —
And, whereas, it has been suggested to us that Randle Dean Garnishee, is indebted to the Defendants or has effects of theirs in his hands, and affidavit having been made and filed according to the statute, in the office of the clerk of said Court, that the Defendants have not visible property upon which a levy can be made, sufficient to satisfy said Judgment.
WE, THEREFORE, COMMAND YOU TO SUMMON the said Garnishee to appear before the Judge of our next Circuit Court, to be holden at the Court House, in the town of Columbus, on the Third Monday of October 1876, then and there to say on oath, whether or not he is indebted to Defendants and in what sum and what effects of theirs he has in his hands, or possession, or had at the time of the serving of this writ, and whether he knows of any other person or persons who are indebted, or have effects of Defendant in his or their hands.
HEREIN FAIL NOT; and have then and there this writ
WITNESS, my hand and seal of office at Columbus, this the 19 day of May 1876.
J. H. Stevens
The State of Mississippi—Lowndes County.
Manns, Aull & Co
No. 1270 vs.
R. Gleed President &c—
H H Harrington — Defendant.
Randle Dean — stat Garnishees
In the Circuit Court, Judgment Rendered Oct 27th 1874, for $2891.34 Interest thereon at 6 per cent. & damages $144.56 by Supreme Court
Personally Appeared this day before me, Joseph H Stevens, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for said county, J. T. Richardson, Attorney for Manns, Aull & Co. Plaintiff, who being duly and legally sworn, deposes and says, that he does not believe that the Defendants in the above stated Judgment have in their possession visible property upon which a levy can be made sufficient to satisfy the same.
And, furthermore comes and suggests that Randle Dean be garnished as required by law to answer in said cause.
SWORN TO and subscribed before me this the 19th day of May 19 1876.
J. T. Richardson
Att’y for Pltffs
J H Stevens
Executed this process this day upon Randle Dean in person by reading to and handing him true copy thereof
June 5 1876
Robt Hardy Shff
By Wm Hardy D. S.