James Hill Endorsed and Urged to Run Again for Congress.
A large number of Republicans representing the counties of Bolivar, Coahoma, Issaquena, Sharkey, Sunflower, Quitman, Tunica and Warren met at the office of T. M. Broadwaters and organized by the election of W. H. Allen, of Coahoma, as president, and Thos. V. McAllister, of Warren, secretary.
The president in a few pointed remarks stated that the object of the meeting was for the purpose of discussing the political situation in this, the third congressional district of Mississippi, and to ascertain what steps should be taken in reference to the approaching congressional election.
D. B. Temple, discussed the situation at length and at the conclusion of his remarks offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted and ordered to be telegraphed to the Hon. Jas. Hill, at Washington:
Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that we endorse the course of the Hon. James Hill in his laudable contest for a seat in the 51st congress as commendable and praiseworthy.
Resolved, That we request him to again submit his name as the standard bearer of the Republicans of this, the 3d congressional district for a seat in the 52d congress.
The following committee was appointed to telegraph the above resolutions to the Hon. James Hill, at Washington, D.C.:
Jas. E. Ousley, of Bolivar; A. T. Wimberly, of Coahoma; J. W. Dozier, of Issaquena; Frank Hawkins, of Quitman; James A. Cortright, of Sharkey; D. S. Stevens, of Sunflower; T. A. Bell, of Tunica; Dr. T. W. Stringer and D. B. Temple, Esq., of Warren.
After listening to remarks from numerous other members the meeting adjourned sine die.
The foregoing is derived from the officers of the meeting, there being no reporters present.