Rock Island Argus, October 6, 1911

Rock Island Argus, October 6, 1911


Meeting at Springfield Condemns Taft and Deneen.

Springfield, Ill., Oct. 6. One hundred and fifty delegates to the Negro Coalition league, which met yesterday in this city, adopted resolutions declaring themselves opposed to all political parties. They condemn what they call reckless extravagance of the present state administration and denounce President Taft for “advocacy of the repeal of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the federal constitution. The conference urged the 75,000 negro voters in the state to vote for men and measures rather than for party affiliations.

The following officers were elected: President, W. A. Barnett, East St. Louis; vice president, Alexander Rowens, Chicago; Alexander Bender, Springfield; T. C. Graves, Cairo, and James Jackson, Quincy; secretary, Charles T. Tinsley, Quincy; assistant secretary, Rev. William Gray, Chicago; treasurer, Henry B. Hughes, Springfield.

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