Promptly at 12 m., Hon. W. W. Edwards took the chair, and read the call made by the Republican Executive Committee, at a prior day, for the holding of this Convention. Mr. Edwards after a few remarks called the attention of the Convention first to the election of a temporary chairman.
Mr. Belt submitted the name of Hon. W. W. Edwards for temporary chairman.
Hon. James M. Gibson then submitted the name of Hon. Wesley Creighton as a substitute for that of W. W. Edwards.
It was then moved that Mr. Gibson’s motion be laid on the table.
On this motion a vote was taken by a rising vote; same was lost.
Gen. Fitzgerald then moved as a substitute for the preceding motions that the Convention proceed to the election of a temporary Chairman, by ballot. Carried.
The following was the result of the vote: Wesley Creighton 30, W. W. Edwards 20.
Mr. Creighton was declared duly elected, and took the chair, and made a few well-timed remarks.
The committee reported as follows:
For Permanent Chairman, R. F. Beck; J. T. Montgomery, First Vice-President; J. W. Short, Secretary.
A motion to adopt this report called forth considerable debate, and met with great opposition. W. W. Edwards spoke first in opposition to the adoption, and strongly favored the retention of Wesley Creighton as permanent Chairman. He thought as Mr. Creighton had been elected temporary Chairman, it was but right that he should be elected permanent Chairman.
Gen. Fitzgerald, as chairman of the committee, spoke in reply to Mr. Edwards, and advocated the adoption of the report, and the selection of Mr. Beck. “The selection of Mr. Beck,” said he “was made upon the understanding that Mr. Creighton consented to it,” but, said the gentleman, “if this report is obnoxious to the Convention, the committee will retire and select some other name that will meet the approval of the Convention.”
Mr. Beck, in a personal explanation, said he was not a candidate in opposition to Mr. Creighton, but that he consented to the report of his name upon the ground that he understood Mr. Creighton did not wish the permanent Chairmanship, but was satisfied with the temporary Chairmanship.
The report, upon a vote, was almost unanimously adopted, and the Hon. R. F. Beck was declared duly elected permanent Chairman.