Letter to Governor Ames, Nov 1874

Letter to Governor Ames, Nov 1874

Part of the Civil War & Reconstruction Governors of Mississippi Project. Original held at the Mississippi Department of Archives & History.

The State of Mississippi
Lownds County

His Excellency
Gov A Ames.

I desire to represent to your Excellency, that during the past summer, in this State and County, one G T Smith, a colored man and a new comer in this comunity, used insulting and slanderous language in regard to my Wife, as well as other Ladies of my race. I demanded a retraction, so far as my Wife was conserned, which he declined to make. In a personal difficulty arrising out of this matter, I was forced to use a small stick on said Smith. During the difficulty or just as the first was over, he attemped to draw a pistol to shoot me. I then drew a like weapon in self defenc. This was discharged twice by accident. Smith was not injured except by the use of the stick and then not severely. At the present or October term of the Circuit Court, the Grand jury returned an indictment against me for assault and battery with intent to kill.

There is no doubt that such indictment was returned chiefly through personal ill feeling’s towards me, on account of political partisan prejudic; and especially on account of the active part taken by me in the late municipal Election, held in the city of Columbus this present week, in which I actively represented the principals of the party to which I have always been attached. I therefore under the circumstances have the honor to apply to your Exelency for Executive pardon for such alledged offenc.

I am Sir Very Respect
R. Gleed

The undersigned public Officers and Citizens of said State & County respectfully recommend the granting of a pardon, as requested in the above petition of Hon Robert Gleed

J Stallings.
E P Eggleston
W. J. Robbins—
B R Eggleston
[?] [?] Bishop
S S. Mitchell
H. A. Brownlee
G. H. Whitfield
E. A. Richards
H. D. Hendrick
G W VanHook