Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Aug 2, 1876

Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Aug 2, 1876



How it works – how Amite County was carried – assassination of Deshields – murder of Kendrick – Perry and his murderer – the Democratic clubs and their midnight rides – another vivid picture of these military marauders – a resolution against “radical niggers,” and how the mover was served – no democratic vote, no democratic corncake or cabin – only half the story told.

Special Correspondence of the Cincinnati Gazette, WASHINGTON, July 31.


Reuben Kendrick, another colored leader, sent a letter to the Governor stating that he had been “deprived of his rights to vote according to the dictates of his conscience,” and that when he complained to leading white citizens he was told that “this was a white man’s country and they intended to rule it, and that they did not intend to have any more radicalism in the country, and that if he wanted to live there any more, there was but one way to do it, and that was to join in with the white people of that county and say that he would lay down all parties of Republicanism.”

“I was asked,” said Gen. Hurst, “this very morning to give him the address of Reuben Kendrick and I told him that was the last thing I could tell him, as he was not in this world. It was the general impression that he was killed.” [Kendrick was actually not killed during these events]

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