Letter to Governor Powers, Nov. 4, 1872

Letter to Governor Powers, Nov. 4, 1872

Part of the Civil War & Reconstruction Governors of Mississippi project. Original held at the Mississippi Department of Archives & History.

Fayette Miss Nov 4th 1872

His Excellency, R. C. Powers.
Gov of Miss.

I regret to inform your Excellency that I have just returned from a long search for James Stewart, who killed Jefferson Blanton a colored man. Stewart has gone over on Red River; he was pursued and overtaken, soon after he shot Blanton by ^the^ City Marshall with a squad of six men. But Stewart being so well armed, they failed to capture him. He shot a hole through the coat collar of the City Marshall, and another through the sleeve of his coat, burning and marking the skin in both places. He retreated until he reached a skiff at his wood yard just below Rodney. It being dark he escaped. Blanton was shot on the 26th ultimo


He is rather a thin and square built man; dark hair, has a yellow complextion, and looks as if he had the swamp fever. He has dark eyes but not black. He is about five feet 6 inches high and between thirty and thirty five years of age.

Respectfully submitted
M Howard
Sheriff of Jefferson Co