Large Meeting Held In Interest of the Enterprise.
One of the largest and most enthusiastic public meetings ever held in Jackson took place last night at the new Methodist colored Church, West Jackson, in the interest of the Mary Holmes Industrial Seminary. The spacious edifice was packed to overflowing by the very best element of the colored population, and by quite a large number of representative white citizens.
After some very fine music by the choir, Rev. Dr. Holmes was introduced, and entertained the audience with a statement of the proposed benefience, and with the reasons that led to the selection of Mississippi. He was much gratified at the general interest manifested all over the State – the generous offers made and the kind sympathy expressed; and he was especially pleased at the intense interest displayed by the people of Jackson.
Miss Holmes followed in a very practical talk, and exhibited plans of the building, which is to cost about $50,000.
C. H. Alexander, Esq., being called upon, responded in one of his happiest efforts, and not only captivated his audience, but evidently captured Dr. Holmes and his daughter. His speech was a gem of oratory, and bristled with facts and figures in favor of Jackson.
The next speakers were ex-Gov. Lowry, Messrs. Oliver Clifton, Col. J. S. Hamilton, John McGill, Wm. H. Gibbs, J. L. Power and M. M. McLeod – the latter making tender of several eligible sites, which will be inspected on the return of Dr. Holmes and daughter from Natchez.
Altogther the meeting was a grand success, and the indications now are that Jackson will be selected for the Mary Holmes Seminary.