Representative of Marshall county. In writing of Mr. Hill, I must be pardoned if I am extravagant in my expression, as he is a young man whom I very much admire, and for whom I have the highest regard. Chas. Sumner lives in Massachusetts, so it must be understood that it is next to impossible for him to have a colored relative; but had Mississippi been his native State I should certainly contend that James Hill is his son! He is, in appearance, very much like Mr. Sumner, tall and aristocratic in his bearing, and with that fall of the hair over his forehead. He seems also in temper the same as Mr. Sumner – when he takes hold of a subject he contends for it with a sort of lion-like tenacity.
Mr. Hill is a native of this State, about twenty-seven years of age, but never enjoyed any educational advantages as afforded by attending schools. He has, however, made considerable progress through efforts of his own, and now enjoys a fair degree of education. He has a good taste for literature and delights to converse upon such literary subjects as he is familiar with. He is one of the rising young men in the State, and with proper discretion he will receive future honors from the Republican party. He was elected Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms in the Legislature of 1870, which office he filled with great credit; and in 1871 he was elected as a Representative from his county. When he rises in the House, he addresses the Speaker in a deep, heavy monotone, and if not noticed by the Speaker, his lungs are called upon for action, and the same tone is made to ring in the Speaker’s ears, as if to say, “Why don’t you pay attention to me, sir!” He is always direct in his remarks, wears an ugly and grim countenance when speaking, and contends for that which he thinks is right “without variableness or shadow of turning.” He was a prominent candidate for Congress in his, the 2d District, and received seventeen out of forty-two votes. He was the elector for his district, and did good service during the campaign for Grant and Wilson. He was also a delegate to the National Convention at Philadelphia. Mr. Hill is a member of the Methodist church, but enjoys a good dance as much as he does a good prayer meeting.