Press and Messenger, Dec 8, 1869

Press and Messenger, Dec 8, 1869

The Colored People to Col. Jno. M. Fleming.

MESSRS. EDITORS – Please publish the enclosed card of thanks to Col. John M. Fleming, as representing the gratitude of the colored citizens of Knoxville to Col. Fleming, for his noble action in behalf of justice to those of his constituents who were in danger of losing the ballot, because God had not favored them in abundance with the “things of this world.”


We, the undersigned, colored citizens of Knoxville, hereby tender our thanks to Col. John M. Fleming for the interest he has manifested in the welfare and the liberties of hundreds of the working class of his constituents, who have not been so fortunate as to have acquired a home for themselves, notwithstanding they have worked hard in the endeavor to do so, and who are by their labor adding to the wealth and commercial interests of the city, county and State. We think it the duty of this class of our citizens, regardless of our political views, to do Col. Fleming public honor for offering and advocating his amendment to the charter of Knoxville, which allows all legal voters to vote in the municipal election, whether they own property or not.

We humbly and respectfully petition the honorable Senate to concur in Col. Fleming’s amendment, which, we think, is simple justice to workingmen.

[list of signers includes J. B. Young]

KNOXVILLE, Dec. 5, 1869.

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