American Citizen, March 21, 1874

American Citizen, March 21, 1874

A fair of the colored people of Canton, under the auspices of Rev. J. Aaron Moore, closed after holding the entire week, last Saturday night. We learn that it was very successful, and that the money realized will be expended in the completion of the Church at Canton, to which, aside from the fair, many of the old residents contributed. Capt. J. A. Turk presented the Society a handsome chandelier with lamps all complete. The following is a statement of the receipts of the fair:

Mrs. McKinney’s table, $29.30
Mrs. Douglass’ table, 37.70
Sisters of the Church table, 37.05
Mrs. Anderson, toy table, 55.75
Archie Jones, door receipts, 67.30

The net receipts, after disposing of everything, amounts to $140, which is an excellent showing for the good people of Madison.

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