St. Paul Appeal, June 11, 1904

St. Paul Appeal, June 11, 1904


A Noted Figure of Chicago Joins the Majority in the Beyond.

One of the most generally known men of Chicago for many years was Capt. Hannibal C. Carter, who died on June 1st, at his residence, 3436 Dearborn street.

He was a notable figure during the Civil War, in which he served as a captain of a company under Gen. Ben Butler. Later during the reconstruction period he was prominent in Southern politics. He was a native of New Albany, Ind., where his family was one of the most prominent. The family also lived in Louisville, Ky., for a number of years. He has resided in Chicago for over twenty years, and has taken great interest in politics, and was quite an orator and political worker. In recent years he has affiliated with the Democrats.

He was a member of the Knights of Pythias, and his funeral took place under their auspices last Friday.

He leaves a daughter, Miss Claudie, and three sisters, Miss Oda B. Carter, Mrs. Emma L. Brown and Mrs. Mary C. Bryant, to mourn his loss. He was 69 years of age.

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