Meeting Was Harmonious and the Factions Seem at Peace – Electoral Ticket Is Named.
The Republican State executive committee of Mississippi met in the Federal building at 1:30 o’clock, with a full attendance, either in person or by proxy. The meeting was called to order by Hon. F. W. Collins in pursuance of the resolution adopted at the last Republican State convention.
There was considerable caucussing around the Federal building during the morning. The principal matters of interest to be brought up during the session were the perfecting of organization of selection of a presidential electoral ticket. By one o’clock the slate on the electoral ticket had been practically arranged and it was agreed that James Hill should be the chairman of the new committee.
After the roll call and presentation of proxies Judge Turley placed the name of Hill in nomination, which was seconded by W. O. Ligon. No other nominations were made and on motion of Judge W. D. Frazee the election of Hill was made by acclamation, and on taking the chair he made a short address complimentary to the Republican presidential ticket.
The names of Judge Frazee and T. V. McAllister were placed in nomination for secretary, but the former declined to allow the use of his name and the latter was elected by acclamation.
Judge Frazee was elected vice-chairman of the committee by acclamation.
A committee of five, Messrs. Griffin, Edwards, Ligon, Crayton, and Perkins, was named by the chairman to recommend a State central committee. George C. Granberry was elected assistant secretary.