We give below a letter from Mr. G. W. Albright, of Emporia. It will be remembered that he was chairman of the state convention at Lawrence. It will further be remembered that somebody threatened to publish a letter from him showing that we made false statements about the convention. The letter was not written for publication, but we publish it to show that the men of our race are not all squabbling politicians, willing to stoop to any thing for place and power; that we have men who are “busy with their farms” if not “with their merchandise.” For such are the men who will make us respected and respectable.
AT HOME, Oct. 2d, 1883.
MR. S. WATKINS. Dear Sir: I arrived home from Lawrence safely, and expected to have written you immediately, but having just sold one of my farms and building on another, house, corrals, wells, etc., it has caused me to employ several extra hands, and I have found it utterly impossible to get time for writing. We receive your paper regularly, and find it to be an interesting newsy little sheet. One thing especially pleases me – you are not afraid to express your honest convictions, let it hurt whom it will. I agree with you as to the disorder and bad feeling that existed all through that long and weary day at Lawrence, and it has often puzzled me to know why such a state of feeling existed.
Would write more but am pressed with business. As soon as I get a little more time will try to send you some bits of news now and then from this quarter. Should you come this way, should be very glad to have you call and visit me at my home. Enclosed you will find a year’s subscription for your paper.
I remain very respectfully
If Mr. Albright’s bread and butter depended upon keeping up the idea that he had some influence and could control some Negro votes, he would understand why so much “bad feeling” existed in the convention. We are glad to know that we have the hearty support of such men as Mr. Albright. We mean to give each one his dues; and when we fail to speak our honest convictions, we will leave the field. We are not seeking office but to benefit our people. This we cannot do by winking at their wrong doing. We want, we desire, to have the good feeling of all, and we are proud to say we have it now, but we will never stoop to get it.