Part of the Civil War & Reconstruction Governors of Mississippi Project. Original held at the Mississippi Department of Archives & History.
Sardis Miss Dec 3rd 1874
His Excellency
Adelbert Ames—
Governor of the State of Miss
Dear Sir
I hereby tender my resecnation as a member of. the. Legislature. And I hope that your Excellency will accept of the same I am Yours Obt Servent
D. T. J. Matthews
member of the hous of Rept of Panola County
I will in short give your Excellency my reasons for resiging And it is this for Capt H J Harding County Supt of Education has reasently been appointed Post master at this plase. Sardis and has resigned his office as county Supt of Education And as I am the unanomouse choice to fill his vacancy I desire to be released so I can under the constitution & I have others not worth while to mention &c
I hope you will act upon it and let me know Instanter as the matter has to be attened to
to right off Harding takes charge of the Post office next Monday and the schools going on there will have to be some one appointed I hope your excellency will attend to it right off and
oblige Re Yours
Obedient Serv
D T J Matthews
A. A.