Times-Democrat, April 23, 1884

Times-Democrat, April 23, 1884

Mississippi Republicans.

Special to The Times-Democrat.

JACKSON, April 22. Before the assembling of the State Republican Convention, the delegates from the various Congressional districts met and elected two delegates each to the Chicago Convention, as follows: First District, H. C. Powers (white) for Blaine, W. H. Kenon (white) for Arthur; Second District, John S Benton (white) and D T J Mathews (colored), both for Arthur; Third District, W H Allen (colored) and H Wesley Crayton (colored) both for Arthur; Fourth District, J W Longstreet (colored) and H Harrington (white) both for Arthur; Fifth District, Judge Wm Hancock (white,) postmaster at Meridian, and F C Grandberry (colored), both first choice for Arthur, second choice for Logan; Sixth District, John R. Lynch (colored,) for Arthur and C A Simpson (white) for Logan, but both will vote for the candidate most acceptable to the States that have to elect; Seventh District, John A Galbreth (white) for Gresham and Thomas Richardson (colored) for Arthur.

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