Letter to Sister Sarah, June 11, 1927

Letter to Sister Sarah, June 11, 1927

[from the Jones-Sadler family papers, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, The New York Public Library]

1341 Quest. N. W.
Washington D. C.

June 11 1927

Dear sister Sarah,

I write this letter to let you know where I am. I am having some work done and I am here longer than I planned. You may write me here. I moved from the Whitelaw Hotel yesterday, taking a private room at this number where I have the family surroundings which I enjoy so much. I will not go to Norfolk Va. until I get my business straight here. Give my love to Callie, and kiss dear Fish tale for “huncle”

You must write me if I may have a visit from you and when it may be possible.

Your brother
L. B.