Weekly Mississippi Pilot, Dec 17, 1870

Weekly Mississippi Pilot, Dec 17, 1870

Republican Convention in Madison County.

CANTON, MISS., Dec. 12th, 1870.

MR. EDITOR: The Republican County Convention assembled here to-day, to nominate one Representative, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of the Hon. W. Ben Cunningham.

The convention was called to order at 12 m. by Col. Spelman, of the Executive Committee, who nominated Senator Warner as Chairman, which motion prevailed. Senator Warner on taking the chair made an earnest and eloquent speech, which was frequently interrupted by vociferous cheers. Mr. Alexander Fielding was elected Secretary. Nominations being in order, Col. Spelman in a terse and vigorous speech nominated Alfred Handy, which was received amid wild cheers of enthusiasm. Mr. Isham Garret and Dr. S. H. H. Toles were also placed in nomination. The Convention proceeded to a ballot, and Mr. Handy was elected almost unanimously. Mr. Handy thanked the Convention for the honor conferred, in a neat speech, and promised to labor incessantly for the advancement of true Republicanism. Dr. Toles followed, after which the convention adjourned to meet again at the polls on the 20th, to complete their work.

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