I Adam Simpson of Madison County and State of Mississippi hereby make and declare this my will
I give and bequeath to my wife Lucy Simpson and my daughter Ellen Simpson for and during their natural life the following land situated in Madison County Mississippi and described as the E 1/2 S.E. 1/4 section 36 and NE 1/4 SW 2/4 less 10 acres off east side section 36 Township 12 Range 3 East & W 1/2 SW 2/4 SW 1/4 section 31 Township 12 Range 4 East containing in all 130 acres more or less. At the death of the above Lucy Simpson and Ellen Simpson the above land to be equally divided between my 2 Grand daughters Amanda Green and Leora Simpson by three (3) disinterested men one to be selected by Amanda and one by Leora and the 2 so situated to select a 3rd, who shall present to divide said laid and their action shall be final
Witness my signature this 15th day April 1898. Interlineation “Ellen Simpson” made before signing
A. D. Simpson
Whenever Ellen Simpson marries she will loose her interest in this deed.
A. D. Simpson