Meeting of the Colored American Missionary Convention.
The Colored American Baptist Missionary Convention (consolidated) is holding its thirty-ninth annual meeting at Zion Baptist Church, on Ninth street. The officers of the Convention for the past year have been as follows:
Rev. J. W. Patterson, Danville, Va.
Rev. Wm. Gray, Lancaster, Ky.
Alexander Ellis, Massachusetts.
Wallace Shelton, Ohio.
Robert A. Pinn, Pennsylvania.
Wm. A. Burch, New Jersey.
Wm. H. Banks, North Carolina.
John Carey, New York.
Harvey Johnson, Maryland.
Jesse F. Boulden, Washington, D.C.
Israel S. Campbell, Texas.
Wm. J. White, Georgia.
Benjamin Burke, Alabama.
A. M. Newman, Louisiana.
H. P. Jacobs, Mississippi.
Moses Broyles, Indiana.
J. A. Scott, Arkansas.
R. DeBaptiste, Illinois.