Weekly Mississippi Pilot, Jan 16, 1875

Weekly Mississippi Pilot, Jan 16, 1875


Hon. J. W. Randolph, of Leflore, made the following remarks upon the death of Hon. Wm. M. Thames, representative from Newton County, in speaking to the resolutions of respect adopted Monday, the 11th inst.:

MR. SPEAKER: The deceased member, to whom this last tribute of respect is being paid, it appears, had made the acquaintance of but few members on this side of the House, and members may not, on that account, be able to add anything to what has been said from the other side. It having been my good fortune to make his acquaintance during the last session of this body, I feel it my duty to add a few remarks to what has been said regarding his character, which I found to be pure in every respect. It appears that he stood high in the estimation of those who knew him, and his amiable qualities and manners have gained for him this reputable character. Gentlemen who knew him still better than myself can judge better of his eloquence. But I, for one, can well lament his death and appreciate the great loss we have in him. These lamentations coming from that side of the House are deserving of our attention, and to them I hope I am fitted to listen. The first announcement of his death was one which struck me with sadness, and I said then he had performed his part in life well, and in dying has received his reward. I hope the resolution will be adopted.

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