On Monday, the 25th inst., the day upon which Cassius M. Clay and Gen. Singleton spoke at Greenville, Washington county, the Democracy published a forged letter, purporting to be signed by Col. W. H. Bolton and Gen. Wm. Gray, demanding blood at the hands of the negroes, and all such nonsense. Col. Bolton, upon his return to town, at once issued the following poster:
On my return from the country, this morning, I found a published circular, addressed to W. A. Sat and Calvin Brown, purporting to be signed by myself and Wm. Gray, and, among other things, stating that I wanted a club of 500 men, or more, to organize, and informing them of my intention to furnish guns, for the election to be held on the second of November. Said circular is marked:
I certify this to be a true copy of the original now in my possession. Signed: E. J. Bryan.
I denounce the said circular as a base and malicious falsehood. I never wrote it, and never heard of it, and knew nothing of it until I came to town this morning. I have always opposed the arming of the militia, and have still the same views. This circular is about in keeping with the many falsehoods lately circulated about me, and I dare the production of this or any document emanating from me of an incendiary character.
I only ask the public to suspend their opinion until they investigate the charges so falsely and maliciously put in circulation about me.
GREENVILLE, MISS., Oct. 25, 1875.