Turn we now to another theme that is shaking to the center the Baptist church of Lexington – the colored Baptist. In common with the rest of humanity, the colored Christian keeps a jealous eye on his pastor, especially if he be young, handsome, and not yet provided with a wife. The said jealous eye fell on Elder Gray, of the Colored Baptist church, and the result is a pandemonium among the colored flock. In the effort to remove him, the pastor was arrested, and stood his trial on various charges, and was acquitted. At one time, while on his way to the church, he was the target for a perfect volley of pistol shots, and, strange to say, he escaped unhurt, and still expounds the law and the gospel to the flock. To-day he had to stand his trial for shooting with intent to kill, but if he fired he was excusable under the circumstances. This William Gray is something of a character. He was a preacher in Mississippi, became State senator and brigadier general of Ames’ militia. In fact, he was one of the governor’s right-hand men. He came to Lexington last April to answer to a call to the pastorate of his present church. While in jail, after his arrest for obtaining money under false pretenses, he resigned his position as State senator. Thus far, the shepherd has got the sheep where the wool is short. There is considerable opposition to him, but as that includes only a small percentage of the women, his tenure of office is tolerably safe.