Part of the Civil War & Reconstruction Governors of Mississippi project. Original held at the Mississippi Dept. of Archives & History.
V.Burg Miss
April 24th 1876.
Hon James Hill.
Jackson Miss.
Dear Sir,
I received your letter a few days ago asking me if we had any person to recommend as a Republican registrar for Warren County. I have thought over the matter for three or four days. I am now of the opinion, that we will have to take Chas Leighman the person recommended the other day. If you are going to appoint a white man, or if you are willing to appoint a white man to the said position I will say to you that under circumstances that he is the best person here for it I would like for you to write me word if you are going to appoint a white man to the position. I understood from Jas Cessor that you would appoint a Col man. I hope you will not think me dictating to you about this matter you know your business best.
I am Yours Respectfully
W. W. Edwards