Vicksburg Evening Post, August 25, 1893

Vicksburg Evening Post, August 25, 1893

Death of Dr. T. W. Stringer.

After a three days illness, Rev. Dr. T. W. Stringer, the noted colored citizen of this city, died this morning at 6 o’clock at the age of 83 years.

Dr. Stringer was a most noted man among his people. In Masonic circles he held the highest rank, being a Past Grand Master of the State of Ohio, and of Mississippi. In other societies he was equally prominent, and his death will leave vacant many offices of honor he held among the secret orders of his people. Besides being prominent among the secret orders of his people, he was a presiding elder in the A. M. E. Church, and in days gone by was prominent in Mississippi politics, having represented Warren county in the Senate. Dr. Stringer was a wealthy man, owning much real estate in Mississippi.

His funeral will be deferred several days awaiting arrival of friends from a distance.

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