Jackson Daily News, March 3, 1908

Jackson Daily News, March 3, 1908


What a Democratic Voter Says About Some Aspiring Negroes.

Editor Daily News: I notice from the Clarion-Ledger of this date that it has permitted its colums to contain an article signed by J. I. Garrett, L. K. Atwood, P. W. Howard, J. C. Hill, T. C. Ewing, Henry Mason, J. M. Leverett, S. D. Redmond, G. W. Meacham, G. E. Matthews and E. W. Jones, in which they set themselves to be the leaders and advisers of the republican party of this state.

It strikes me from the viewpoint of a democrat as being a little strange that the editor of the Clarion-Ledger should give aid and encouragement to such men as these to denounce the democratic federal office-holders of this state, who are representative of our best people.

Let us see who these men are: J. I. Garrett is a negro preacher wandering about the state, and is now located somewhere in Rankin county, whose speeches have already been taken notice of by the white people in that neighborhood. L. K. Atwood, of this city, has grown rich through the use of members of his own race belonging to the secret orders of which he is the head. This same Atwood come into notoriety quite a number of years ago, shortly after the Clinton riot, and as I was born in Clinton, the traditions of the people of that little city have it that Atwood left Clinton at a little faster gait than he used in going there.

[article continues]

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