Resolved, That as citizens of Washington county, in mass meeting assembled, from the evidences now promulgated, we believe that the legal and burdensome taxes that are annually paid in this county are misappropriated by the Tax Collectors, and not properly accounted for; and that we, as citizens and Republicans denounce and condemn all such corrupt acts of Winslow, Sheriff, and his deputy, L. T. Webber, as unjust and a great wrong upon the people of this, the county of Washington.
Resolved, That they are respectfully requested to resign the positions they now hold by the sufferance of the people, and that they have perverted to their own inordinate gains.
Resolved, That L. T. Webber, under the guise of loyalty, and in the name of the Republican party, foisted himself into office, and seized the administration of this the people of Washington county, to whom he is alike an alien and a stranger.
Resolved, That a continuation of this cunningly devised and very complete system of robbery must lead to a general prostration of the material interests of the people of the county, and ultimately bring upon their heads the vengeance of a wronged and an outraged people.
Resolved, That we unhesitatingly denounce fraud in all of its phases, and particularly the frauds of officials – and that we extend to investigating committees our earnest support to suppress the corruptions that now exist in the Sheriff’s office of Washington county.
Resolved, That the Greenville Times be requested to publish the resolutions adopted at this meeting, with the request that all papers friendly be requested to copy.
The above resolutions presented by the committee on resolutions, was received by the meeting. A minority report signed by Major O’Hea and Hardy Fields, of the committee, was presented against the writing of names, which report, upon motion of Hon. Wm. Gray, was laid on the table. And the report of the majority of the committee, signed by
Hon. J. A. ROSS,
was unanimously adopted.
Strong speeches were made by Hons. Wm. Gray, J. D. Webster, J. A. Ross, A. W. Shadd and others, condemning the frauds committed upon the people of this the county of Washington by the Court House ring.