Colored Knights of Pythias in Convention.
On the 23d inst., a convention of Sir Knights, representing six Lodges, met at Bethel Hall and organized a Grand Lodge under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, K. of P., of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, with the election of the following Sir Knights’ as Grand officers:
Sir’s T. M. Broadwaters, G.C., Vicksburg; W. H. Allen, G.V.C., Friars Point; J. E. Monroe, G.P., Friars Point; A. Taylor, G.M.F., Vicksburg; J. W. Longstreet, G.K.R.& S., Macon; J. W. Dunn, G.M.A., Hill House; E. W. Lampton, Secretary and Treasurer of W. & O. fund, Greenville.
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