Memphis Daily Appeal, March 14, 1873

Memphis Daily Appeal, March 14, 1873

Another Civil Rights Difficulty.

Special to the Appeal.)

JACKSON, MISS., March 13. – Here is another phase of civil rights. The Katie Putnam troupe seem to be victims of this act: As previously reported the whole floor was sold to Mr. George Donnell. Last night several of the prominent colored legislators, among whom were Ham Carter, prospective lieutenant-governor, and Mr. Cardoza, chancery clerk of Warren county, attempted to get seats when there were no seats for them. Mr. Donnell refused them admission, and to-day, he was before Priton Robinson, a colored justice of the peace, and fined to the amount of one hundred and sixty dollars. The property of the troupe was attached, but in both cases bond was given for appearance before the circuit court. It is a matter of congratulation in Jackson that it is not Jackson colored folks who breed this trouble, but strangers from foreign counties, and you can bet, nine times out of ten, there are indictments against them at home.