Vicksburg Evening Post, October 3, 1892

Vicksburg Evening Post, October 3, 1892

Republican Politicians.

It is an expensive luxury to be a Republican politician. Gilbert Horton is a prominent colored Republican at Greenville; he is a supporter of Gayles, and it is reported, he expects to get the post-office at Greenville if Gayles succeeds in securing the Republican nomination for Congress.

A Vicksburg preacher politician a short time since accidentally dropped the following memorandum which was picked up by a passer:

“Gilbert Wherton, Greenville, Miss.:
“Everythings alright, send me $30.00 to bring things up Wednesday morning. Send at once.”

As times are pretty hard, Gilbert may not be able to send the $30, and then it may turn out that “everythings” not “alright.”

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