Albright All Right
The next and last speaker of the evening was G. W. Albright. He is a well known colored orator and has the happy faculty of presenting plain truths in a most entertaining way. His fund of stories is illimitable and he never tells a story without making a point. He said that he had got tired trying to feed his family by howling “bloody shirt” for the Republicans. He had got tired of Hanna prosperity. He had got tired of being “protected by the Republicans until he had mighty little left to protect.” Albright went on to show how at national, state, city and county affairs the Republicans had ignored the colored men, except in the matter of promises. He told the colored voters that the union party was the first and only political organization that had ever given a colored man a place on its ticket and he urged the colored men to vote the union party ticket without a scratch.
Albright, in his inimitable way, scored Gage and prophesied the election of Maguire. He told the colored men that the war issues were dead issues and that as many men in the union party had helped to free them as in the Republican party. He went on to show how he had been ostracized by his own people when he first left the Republican party, and added: “But, thank God, they are standing by me now, shoulder to shoulder, for a great reform.”
Two or three times Albright was ready to stop, but the audience made him keep on, and cheered him to the echo, as they did the mention of Maguire’s name as he closed.