By virtue of the provisions vested in me, the undersigned, as Trustee in that certain deed in trust given on March 11th, 1902, by Celia F. Cory and Felix Cory, her husband, to me, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note therein mentioned and described, which said deed in trust is of record in Book 3-V, page 69, of the Records of Deeds of Adams County, Mississippi; default having been made under the terms of same, and having been requested by the holder of the indebtedness secured by said deed in trust, to collect same, I will, on
Thursday, April 2nd, 1903,
sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Western door of the Adams County Court House, in the city of Natchez, Miss., all the following described property, being the same property described in said deed in trust and described as follows:
That tract of land, with improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in that portion of the city of Natchez, Adams county, Miss., known as Minorville, and being more particularly described as lot No. 1, alloted and assigned to Celia Cory by the final decree of partition in Cause No. 1613 on the general docket of the Chancery Court of Adams County, Miss., styled “ex parte petition of Celia Cory, et als.” which decree is dated March 24th, 1900, and is recorded in Book 3-S, page 19, of the deed records of said county; said lot No. 1 being at the Southeast corner of Williams and Minor streets, having a front of seventy feet on Williams street and running along Minor street one hundred and ninety-eight feet, more or less, to a 12-foot alley, provided for in said decree, and being the lot upon which is situated the residence of said Celia Cory.
I will convey such title only as is vested in me as trustee, which title I believe to be good.
CHAS. F. ENGLE, Trustee.