Panola Star.]
The Republican Congressional Convention of the Second District met here on the 10th inst., and was called to order by A. L. Davis, Chairman of the Congressional Executive Committee. Except Union, every county in the District was represented. The Convention organized by electing P. Watt Lanier, of Panola, Chairman, Tobe Humphries, of Lafayette, and D. T. J. Matthews, of Panola, Secretaries. A resolution deeming it inexpedient for the Republicans of this District to make a nomination, was passed, and another endorsing the candidacy of Gen. Chalmers, was adopted. When an expression of views was called for, a few speeches seconding the endorsement were made, but they were exceedingly dry and dull, signally failing to evoke enthusiasm. Gen. Chalmers, upon being invited to present himself, appeared and addressed the Convention, accepting with hearty thanks the honor conferred upon him. The General whooped up the boys and by a desperate effort drew forth a few feeble cheers.