who represents Bolivar and Coahoma counties. And here you have another of our active colored Senators. Senator Bowles is a native of Virginia, but lived in Cleveland, Ohio, for several years. He is a man of fine education, and fills positions on some of the most important committees in the Senate. I have never heard him in a discussion, so I cannot give you an item of his “gift of gab.” He is a man of about thirty-three years of age, but needs a better-half to bring him down to the land of steady habits. I believe he is the jolliest member of the Senate; always ready for a good healthy sport, and will do anything to contribute to the frolic and consequent enjoyment of his friends. While our party were at his home during the canvass last fall, he, Col. Bruce, and Captain Florey, made the most deserted-looking place we have ever been to blossom like a rose, and contributed so much to our enjoyment and pleasure that we were loth to leave the place. Mr. Bowles is a man of ordinary size, wears whiskers on his face about as thick as corn would grow on a quicksand hill; gives you a good hearty grasp of the hand when he takes it, and when he stands, a five-year-old boy can walk between the curve of his legs without touching them.