Baby Drawings
Scary drawings by a Cajun toddler

five weeks in Egypt and Israel, summer 2000


The Flag of Middle Earth
Essay comparing the views of Tolkien and Chesterton on despair and suicide

Hell's Angel
Four characterizations of "Satan" in biblical and extrabiblical works; college honors thesis

My Problem with Arwen
For everyone who was dying to know ;)

Faramir was in the Movie?
Could've fooled me. A LotR movie rant

Some Part to Play
In praise of Andy Serkis as Gollum


Augustine's The City of God
A parody of a philosophy essay, written for one of my favorite professors

A Little Quitman Gossip
Ah, smalltown gossip. I wrote this little essay in 11th grade

A biology essay about the connective tissue on the end of your nose